Louisiana Confessions – Life’s 14 Most Painful Little Annoyances
In every lifetime there should be an expectation of some pain. After all, if it weren't for the struggles in the tough times we might never experience the joy of the good times. Pain certainly comes on a lot of different levels. There's the pain we all felt from the New Orleans terrorist attack and the devastation from the many hurricanes that have struck Louisiana's coastline.
Then there is the "pain", and you'll notice the quotation marks, that comes with LSU losing to Alabama in football, the price of crawfish, and watching the Saints. It's not that gut-wrenching pain of real sadness but I think you get the idea.
And then there is the annoying kind of pain. It's not the kind of pain you'd be able to describe using the chart they show you at the doctor's office. But it's the kind of pain that can derail your thoughts, make you wince uncontrollably, or in some cases curse like a sailor on shore leave.
These are the little annoying pains that we don't actively try to prevent but we don't go out of our way to experience either. These are the kinds of pains that make us dance around like madmen and women sometimes shaking our limbs and flailing like a person possessed by demons. Fortunately, in most cases, the pain is brief.
And speaking of experience, I bet you've experienced at least thirteen of the following fourteen suggestions. It's the last one that about half of you will not understand, but the ones that get it will get it good.
What are Louisiana's minor annoyances? Let's explore, shall we?